Saturday, April 14, 2007

Serrano Girls

Despite being technically old and married, in many ways living here makes me feel younger than I have done in years. A couple of years ago, sharing a flat with a friend in south London, I felt awfully grown-up and yuppie. We had our full-time jobs, videophone entry system and remote-controlled parking garage. We nodded to our neighbours, but we never knew them. Other than the fact that they were all young and upwardly mobile, I knew nothing about any of the people who lived in my building.

Here things are different. The Serrano compound is made up of four two-bedroomed appartments, managed by a crazy lady who charges cheap rent but doesn't really care whether or not the heating system is poisoning you. Here I am woken in the morning by Jessie from downstairs wanting to borrow a dress to wear on a date tonight. While Scott was away last week she spent every evening in our appartment borrowing Scott's computer and teaching me final cut pro while we drank wine and gossiped. Here Lauren from downstairs diagonal will provide wine, cigarettes and sympathy any evening I'm feeling down, and she knows she can leave her 5-year old son with me if she needs to run an errand. Here, if you ever need a listening ear, there is always someone who will not only oblige, but who already knows the backstory.

The Serrano girls are a special breed. It's like being back at university - no-one has a proper job or a proper schedule, the nights are late and there's always gossip to be had. I'd almost forgotten in the past 5 years how good it was to have a girlfriend ten seconds away from you that you could call on any time. I've missed it.

L.A. as a whole is NOT like this - I've met more people I actively dislike in the few months living here than I ever have in my life. But I've been lucky - this appartment has provided me with in-built friends and community who I would've loved to be friends with even had they lived far away. Sometimes I think i focus too much on all the negatives of living here, and don't appreciate the beauty of the little community I live in. The city may still suck me dry, but the girls are here to look after me.

This is sappy. And probably badly typed. But dammit, I'm happy for once (if a little drunk). I guess I can always rewrite this tomorrow. I feel I should be making some salient point about eveything but really, truthfully, I'm just glad to have found such lovely friends living right below me...


Anonymous said...

Happy Wedding Anniversary!

Lucy said...

The Serrano Girls... sounds like the title of a book or a film...

Phil said...

lucy 1 - thanks love! We went to Disney in the end with some of Scott's nice friends. Lots of fun. Did you guys manage to rebook the same venue for next year?

lucy 2 - oh, you see the poetic side, when it always makes me think of Serrano ham. Still probably more glam than Neville though. Just realized that I odn't remember how Neville was spelt. Nevil? Am clearly getting old...

AnnaP said...

Nevill, bizarrely.

If everyone wrote on their blog while happy and tipsy, much more of the good things in life would be shared!!


Unknown said...

glad to hear things are picking up.. wine and friends are very important - you're missed! hope to see you soon though xx

Anonymous said...

Well, having known you my (almost your) entire life I have to wait until months after you start this blog to track down the link (thanks Char, Phil clearly wasn't bothered...making all these new LA friends, drinking take-away booze in the blinding sun, being all quirky and foreign in a new land, pah!)

Meanwhile I'm getting hit by cars, trying to persuade my brother if he must get married to invite my Mum, saving the world... You've missed so much. Fear not, I will catch you up soon.

Good writing by the way. Whether the instalment was happy or sad I've been giggling reading them.


Phil said...

Hey Steph!
why wouldn't your brother invite your mum to the wedding? My mother tells me that baby hasn't appeared yet - you have to keep me filled in on all the news...
"making all these LA friends" is exaggerating a bit. I still only have two proper friends. Unless you count the cats.
Am becoming crazy cat lady.

Anonymous said...

Brother is stupid. Seems to think he can get married without a "wedding" and no one will mind - I'll email you the longer, rambling version of this conversation.

Still no baby.

What's this about Val Kilmer?

Why aren't you more concerned I got hit by a car?

Anonymous said...

this blog entry made me happy. it made me so happy i wrote a little laughing poem:

serrano girls
who stop the boiler bleeding water
who paint your nails red
and negotiate your temper without fear
serrano girls
each face in her window
empty cookie tins
with girl scout grins
they can't believe their luck!
serrano girls
share cats
live in flats
that make the haunted villa
telling you ghost stories
under the lemon tree
serrano girls
who could dance in time
who share their wine
so raise your glasses to them!
bright like pearls
hair in curls
God bless serrano girls!

hahah rhymes are fun! well, it got me giggling.. anyways glad to hear this story, i really was.

big hugs

sara x

Phil said...

I love you sara!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.