Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

I haven't posted for months. Likelihood is no-one reads this anymore. However, I'm having one of those periods where I feel that I should be noting down life's little adventures so that I can laugh at them when I'm old and feeble. Therefore I am making a pledge to make at least three entries a week in here. I've deliberalty made this statement public so that it will be humiliating if I renege on it.

Let's see how long this new-found enthusiasm lasts...


AnnaP said...

still reading m'luv - funny thing with blog that you feel obliged to write entries....the burden of being a public figure, eh?

Mel said...

still reading too - so the pressure's on....

Phil said...

and i'm still reading both of yours - wish you wrote more though!