Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Just wanted to add a quick update to my "adventures with moviestar" rantings two posts ago.

Jessie went away to stay on the actor's ranch to edit together the footage. I missed her, but felt kind of lucky that I wasn't the one dealing with the crazieness alone. Don't get me wrong, it was all very exciting (in a surreal way), but after a few weeks of it one needs a break in order to retain some grip on one's sanity.

Anyway, the upshot is that Miss Jessica returned to the compound last week bearing gifts. Two beautiful pairs of earrings, one for each of us, as a thank you present for the work we had done.

Although this is a lovely gesture, and it feels great to be appreciated, I am a little confused. I understand why Jessie was singled out for jewellery (she organised the whole shoot), but why me? There were 20 or so people on set. Why am I the only other one to be given a present. And why has the actor decided to start referring to me as Philadelphia? Before you think he may have some secret crush, I should inform you that I am categorically too old to fit into the actors preferred age range?

I think I amused him. Now I just have to figure out whether this is a good or bad thing...

Oh, I have so many stories to tell of the past few weeks, and so little time to tell them before they slip away from memory. There is the story of how a rich and spoilt O.C. boy (the place, not the show before you get really excited) thought he could seduce me while both his girlfriend and my husband were in the room. There is my new discovery of the official (according to a whole host of L.A. wanabees) way by which you can make yourself a more talented artiste. There is the story how this weekend, Scott's favourite movie came alive for him. The story of the competitive spin the bottle tournament. Most recently, there are the stories of how I, a white girl, managed to get involved in the Hollywood Black Film Festival.

Which story should I tell?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I vote Black Film Festival. You've not yet told us about the "urban" US and I'm finding the idea of you as a wigga highly amusing!